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Overages Blueprint Review

The Overages blueprint is an online course that discusses a new way to make money. It involves using a loophole in the government’s auction process to collect debts from people who don’t fund their real estate taxes.Review

The program includes a quick-start guide, twelve video training modules, support, scripts, and legal documents. The course also provides a list of states with regulations on collecting tax overages. Checkout Overages Blueprint Reviews for more information.

The Overages Blueprint is an online course that discusses a new way (for some people) to make money. It teaches you how to use a little-known government scandal to earn money for yourself. This business strategy can be risky, but it can also be very profitable.

The course’s creator, Bob Diamond, claims that you don’t need any special skills or licenses to start this business. According to him, all you need is a phone and a computer. He says that you can help people recover their sales tax overages and earn a commission in the process. He’ll even provide you with all the necessary tools and tactics for this business. The program includes a quick-start guide, twelve video training modules, support, and legal documents. Bob also provides a list of states with regulations that allow you to claim overages.

Bob’s course is $1,497, or three monthly payments of $597. In addition, you’ll get access to a private Facebook group where you can discuss with other members and learn more about foreclosure investing. You’ll also have access to a coaching call and a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Real estate investing has created some of the largest fortunes in world history, but it isn’t for everyone. Investing in mortgages or real estate can be expensive, but there are ways to make money without having to work full-time. The Overages Blueprint is a great way to get started in this type of investing. This program may have worked for the creators, but does it meet your preferences as well?


The Overages Blueprint Course is a comprehensive online program that provides the necessary information for you to start a profitable overage business. It covers everything from the basics of real estate investing to leveraging foreclosure marketing, generating massive income without purchasing any property, and negotiating with the bank. It also includes a 3-part minicourse and a tax sales overages overflow eBook that will help you get started in the business.

The Overages Blueprint course is a new and unique way to earn money. It teaches you to take advantage of a little-known “government scandal” to generate income for yourself. This method may seem illegal, but the creators of this course assure you that it isn’t.

While many people have found success in real estate investing, they may not know how to collect overages. Fortunately, this new and unusual way to earn income can be very lucrative. Moreover, it is a great way to invest in foreclosure properties and save your own home.


Overage Blueprint is an online course that teaches you how to make money from foreclosures. This business model involves using a “loophole” that allows the government to auction off real estate properties when people fail to pay their property taxes. The course creators claim that this business method is completely legal and will not violate any laws.

However, it requires a lot of hustle and can be very expensive, especially when you add in the cost of attorneys and skip tracing. Additionally, you must continue to search for new deals in order to make money. This can be very time-consuming and frustrating, especially for new investors.

Despite these drawbacks, Overages Blueprint is still a good investment for those who want to make money from foreclosures. It provides all the tactics and tools you need to find and buy foreclosures, and it even includes a list of the best states for this business model. The course also offers a quick-start guide, twelve video training modules, support, scripts, and legal documents. In addition, the course creator claims that you don’t need any experience or special licenses to get started.


The Overages Blueprint is an online course that teaches students how to collect money from foreclosures and real estate properties. The course focuses on a particular loophole in the law that allows the government to auction off property taxes that people have not paid. Its creator, Bob Diamond, is a practicing attorney and the published author of three books on foreclosure investing. He also runs a YouTube channel, but not much is known about him aside from his legal background.

The pandemic situation has taught many people to be creative, and many of them are looking for a way to make some money. The Overages Blueprint is one of these opportunities, but does it work? It may have worked for its creators, but will it work for you as well?